
Proposal of Ghost SPH Realization

For the course project of COMS6998 , I want to realize one technical paper which is presented by Hagit Schechter and Robert Bridson: Ghost SPH for Animating Water. In this paper, authors develop a new approach for the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulate liquid simulation. In addition, authors presents five simulation examples to compare basic SPH with their ghost SPH approach. Therefore, I want to recreate all of these simulations. 

Simulation One: free surface case

Simulation two: water flows around tomato case

Ghost SPH, tomato case, fluid rendered as water

 Simulation three:  Poisson-disk air sampling

Simulation four: ghost SPH irregular solid geometry( stable and moving cases)

Simulation five: Double breaking dam case

 56K particles

 750K particles

In order to finish this project in time. I decide to set up three mile stones to remind and encourage myself.

Milestone One (Due Nov/07/2013):
simulation one
simulation two 

Milestone  Two(Due Nov/21/2013):
simulation three 
simulation four

Milestone Three(Due  Dec/05/2013):
Simulation five
Presentation Slide

Time permit task:
Finding improvement approach for Ghost SPH.